lx88hf2008 发表于 2014-1-27 20:38

三亚酒店涉赌引热议 网友建议海南“试水”博彩

On Jan. 25, CCAV news channel and focus interview program exposure five-star hotel sanya turns into a casino, the domestic media attention, and many users are called on to strictly investigated in personnel at the same time, also advises the hainan under the state council on promoting the development of the construction of hainan international tourism island several opinions of the relevant policy gradually pilot and specification, some travel sports entertainment will drain of gambling money at home.
A Beijing netizen in the \"five-star hotel sanya turns into a casino\" of the news comments in favor of the casinos, \"it's like water conservancy, blocking than a thin, national legislation, then can create high fiscal, tax subsidies to improve the treatment of vulnerable groups, much good. Macau's gambling business over the years much good, you can imagine how many capital outflows. There are those who gamble, they won't because China is not a casino he would not bet...\"
Jiangsu netizen table also have the same point of view, he said, China's underground than Las Vegas casino that formal casino scourge, mostly underground are decimated. Underground gambling dens combined those people not cheat your money let you ruin, is to let you borrow usury lose everything, so as long as China has several formal casino, underground casino, there is no living space, can save thousands of people. \"I have seen one will own fortune to lose even the wife lost, why western countries have not, because somebody else has solved the problem, that is to use normal casinos limit those gamblers to normal in the casino, don't break because of gambling and loan sharks.\"

lx88hf2008 发表于 2014-1-27 20:38


加扎 发表于 2014-1-28 20:52

都是英文的 看不懂

imagine321 发表于 2014-2-9 14:57


dqa4422 发表于 2014-2-19 18:35

都是英文的 看不懂

疯狂大波波 发表于 2014-3-9 21:25


xiaoxiao77 发表于 2014-3-14 11:52


lol 发表于 2014-3-21 00:21

英文的 看不懂
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