lx88hf2008 发表于 2014-1-25 08:04

国际奥委会与博彩监管局合作 防冬奥会作弊行为

America is the world famous gambling city Las Vegas, Nevada, the international Olympic committee (ioc) cooperate with casino regulatory agencies in the region, to prevent cheating and illegal gambling Olympics venues.
Beijing, Jan. 23 (Reuters), according to foreign media Nevada, Las Vegas casino regulatory agencies announced on September 22, they are working with the international Olympic committee (ioc), to help sochi authorities to prevent cheating, such as rigged game and illegal gambling.
It is understood that regulators will monitor the casino, gambling is not allowed on the Olympic program of gambling, but also will monitor the illegal and offshore sports betting.
The casino has with other organizations such as major league baseball and the National Football League. This is the first cooperation, and the official to crack down on illegal match-fixing and illegal gambling.
Body, said the international Olympic committee (ioc) and their cooperation is to one thousand, there is no evidence that the sochi will be illegal.
Adams, a spokesman for the international Olympic committee (ioc), said the partnership was the ocog to crack down on illegal match-fixing, purify the field of one of the measures, this mechanism is called \"the good faith gambling information system\". After the Olympic organizers have announced the establishment of the special fund of $10 million, to crack down on illegal gambling games and body colour operation.

lx88hf2008 发表于 2014-1-25 08:04


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